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    Jack Schmid says:

    Most admirable piece of work. Your selection of four geographically and culturally diverse cities is excellent. I can definitely relate to Superior, Nebraska, having grown up is a small farming community in Minnesota. They sound very similar, except Minnesota was dominated by the DFL party (Democrat/Farmer/Labor).
    The strong positive sentiment expressed in the survey should have been expected. Perhaps survey participants had rarely thought about such “Common Purpose” principles, but it’s a bit like asking people if they like apple pie. A high percentage of the people would say “of course,” but some would mention preferring cherry, pecan or French silk pie. The challenge is how you (or we, the country) can apply or use this information to enable change. I am so delighted that Education was not omitted as one of the principles, as I think change has to start here.

    Barbara Pendras says:

    We all have a duty to protect our Democracy. It is only as good as we make it. I think one of the most destructive issues in regard to our country is the vitriolic, divicevness we see continuously. It seems to me in the past people communicated, shared ideas and differing opinions and beliefs. We could listen, we could learn, we could grow as a nation. Today is not like that, we are divided, we are protective of what we see as the correct mind set and we do not want to change our perspective.
    This is extremely problematic for our country and our Democracy.

    nan butterworth says:

    Very thought provoking and fully agree with your perspective and tactics. How can we persuade the lawmakers to consider your vision and move forward…. your strategy to engage others in the effort are very helpful.

    Wishing you, and all of us, enthusiastic support of your ideals. Thank you for inspiring us.

    Nan Butterworth says:

    Thank you for sending the Thanksgiving “edition” which helps putting current affairs into a better perspective and feels healing. Now to make that last!

    Wishing you peace